When it comes to proper roofing project management, the facility manager is entrusted with important responsibilities, from overseeing construction plans that affect the business’ bottom line to the safety of the employees and occupants. It can be a tough job, but as trusted experts in commercial roofing, we’re sharing some of our essential tips to help you manage a successful roofing project for your home or business.
Project Scope Is Key
Once you’ve chosen and hired a professional roofing contractor, you can now begin with a clear and detailed project scope. With a thorough plan, you’ll be able to fully understand all of the components of the roofing project, which also helps the contractor establish accurate pricing estimates. Missing one item can impact the whole project, including the system performance and/or warranty coverage.
It’s important to review all details with your hired contractor prior to beginning the project, including work to be performed, safety expectations and warranty details. Depending on how long your project will take, you should plan regular meetings with the contractor where you can review the schedule and address any issues or change orders that might arise.
Safety Should Be Your Priority
By following proper Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and state governing body guidelines and procedures, your hired contractor can help avoid serious injury or death and your roof repair and replacement project can be completed within the agreed timeframe. This is why safety should be your biggest priority when it comes to managing your roofing project. Otherwise, your project can easily be stopped because of a serious safety incident, and you can be fined if proper safety precautions weren’t followed. Work with your hired contractor to follow safety regulations, and never cut corners on safety procedures.
Follow Good Housekeeping
Be sure to communicate with your hired contractor about the expectations they have regarding clean work spaces. Keeping the job site neat can help deliver a safe work environment and inspire a positive experience to those involved with the project as well as the commercial property’s occupants. Also discuss with the contractor your expectations regarding offensive language, loud music or other unacceptable behavior on the jobsite that you think should be noted and addressed in advance.
When it comes to commercial and residential roof replacement, consider Sully-Jones Roofing. Give us a call at (619) 444-0150 for more information. You can also fill out our convenient online form. We serve La Mesa and surrounding CA areas.