Residential Roof Repair Contractor – Chula Vista CA

Residential Roof Repair Contractor1

Every roof is prone to damage from both weather conditions and the natural deterioration that occurs over time. If you suspect your home suffers from roof damage, calling an expert to assess and repair that damage is paramount to the safety of your home and family. Chula Vista, California residents have counted on the expertise of Sully Jones for decades. Call us today at 619-444-0150 to learn about our long-lasting residential roof repair services.

When Do You Need Residential Roof Repair?

Knowing when a repair service is justified is an important part of home ownership. We have provided some of the red flags of roof damage you should watch for.

Broken Shingles

Broken shingles along with missing or curled shingles are a clear sign that your roofing system is failing and needs to be repaired. Shingles can break due to several reasons such as extreme weather, debris falling on your roof, heavy hailstorm, snowfall, or rainfall, etc.


Residential Roof Repair Contractor

Leaks, especially when they are frequent, must never be ignored as if left unchecked they can lead to water intrusion and lead to further problems down the road. Leaks can become larger and more frequent if not repaired on time and may cause unimaginable damage to your roof, underlayment, or the structural integrity of your building.

Harsh Weather

Your roof may feel a bit unwell after facing the brunt of mother nature’s elements in the form of a harsh weather event. After such an event, you should arrange a roof inspection from a qualified residential roof repair contractor to assess the damage.

High Energy Bills

Any unexplained spike in energy bills may be a sign that your roof’s insulation is not working properly. In such a scenario, your HVAC system would have to work for longer and this usually results in high energy bills and reduced energy efficiency.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Roof Damage

Roof damage must never be underestimated, as if left unchecked, it can morph into much larger problems down the line. It can even threaten your roof or cause damage to the structural integrity of the building itself. If water, or mold gets inside your building due to roof damage and spreads in other areas, then you’d have to spend much more on dealing with the issues than what you’d have spent on repairing the minor roof damage initially.

Why Sully Jones is Your Best Choice for Residential Roof Repair

Sully Jones has served the homeowners in Chula Vista, CA for over 7 decades now. Our skilled and highly qualified roofers pride themselves on the exceptional customer service that’s been the hallmark of Sully Jones throughout our existence. We are always eager to help homeowners like you. Call us at 619-444-0150 to speak to one of our residential roof repair contractors.